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Call Us For Free Medicare SmartStart Program: 

Buffalo, NY's Top Medicare Planning Service

Serving Akron, Alden, Amherst, Clarence, Depew, Lancaster, Williamsville And Surrounding Areas 

Email Us About Signing Up For Medicare:

Check Out All These Handy-Dandy

And Really Helpful FREE Resources:

Turning 65 In Next 4-6 Months...

  • Feeling Confused & Clueless From Pre-Medicare Panic...
  • Frustrated & Fed Up Not Knowing Where To Start With Medicare...
  • Looking For Accurate Answers And Advice, So You Don't Mess Something Up, Make Any Of The Most Common Mistakes, Plus Learn How To Prevent Paying A Costly Late Penalty At 65 Or Anytime After...
  • Need To Sit Down And Share Your Situation/Scenario And Life Event At 65: Retire -OR- Remain Working...
  • Compare & Crunch Numbers Between Costs Of Employer Health Coverage VS Moving To Medicare...
  • Definitively Determine What Medicare Decision You Will Make At 65: Yes -OR- No Before Penalty Period Deadline...


In-Person 1:1 "Done-For-You"


On-Demand "Done-With-You"


 At Home "Do-It-Yourself"

Turning 65 In Next 1-3 Months...

You should have already requested your free copy of our award-winning, #1 best-selling book, Starting Medicare Smartly within the first 6 (six) - 12 (twelve) months after turning 64...

...AND you should have already scheduled a complimentary Medicare SmartStart Strategy Session with us within 4 (four) - 6 (six) months before turning 65 to confidently know and definitely decide on what you will do with Medicare.

If you have not gotten our book, or met with us to put a smart, strategic plan in place...you are behind and against the clock running a real risk of paying a late penalty. 

You are cutting it TOO CLOSE to letting your Medicare Initial Enrollment penalty period pass by, which means any mistakes made can not be undone.

There is no "re-do" with the government.

Time is ticking...and you are rolling the dice...

It is URGENT we get together as soon as possible so we can do all we can to take care of you, and help you fill out and file the new forms, before it's too late, and you are assigned a late penalty --- which will increase the monthly price you'll pay for Medicare --- for the rest of your life!

Click the BIG RED BUTTON below now to immediately apply for an emergency appointment and get things going...

You Can Feel Confident Knowing What To Do With Medicare.​

I Can Take Away The Stress Of Trying To Tackle It On Your Own.

how to sign up for medicare buffalo ny

Figuring out all the fine print with Medicare doesn't need to feel stressful. You don't have to spend your scarce free time at home, alone, in isolation, relying on your own assumptions and hit-or-miss guesses, attempting to do-it-yourself.

Confidently knowing exactly what to do with Medicare (and when) is THE KEY to avoiding paying a late penalty and only my Medicare SmartStart Program™ will show you how.

If you don't have the time or the desire to deal with Medicare directly, and want a BETTER, SMARTER, time-saving solution to short-cut hours of your own trial and error so you know --- without question --- you aren't messing anything up, or making a major mistake.

Let me put my proven 3-step Medicare SmartStart Program™ to work for you --- for FREE --- and get everything expertly done-for-you without you really having to do much of anything other than ask...

​Click the BIG [YES! I Want Your Free Help, Andrew!] BUTTON below to take the next step and schedule a complimentary Medicare SmartStart Strategy Session with me --- it's that easy!

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Who Is Andrew Hibbard?

Since 2015, Andrew has helped over 1,150+ WNY'ers through the free, 5-star rated and nationally recognized Medicare SmartStart Program™, taking away all the stress from folks trying to tackle Medicare on their own. His impressive record of success has Andrew featured in Forever Young Magazine and the BEE Group Newspapers, exclusive interviews on WECK Radio's Senior Matter's Program, nominated to Buffalo Business First 40 Under 40 (2023), and listed in Marque's Who's Who In America (2024).  He is the author of the award-winning #1 best-selling book, "Starting Medicare Smartly," which reveals how new rules changed the sign up process and procedures for Boomers  born after 1956 and how to avoid common mistakes, messing anything up, and prevent paying a late penalty at 65 or anytime after

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8645 Main St, Clarence, NY 14221

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