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I went from growing up in Amherst, NY to working for Disney, to proudly serving my country in the United States Air Force Fire Department, to now proudly serving my community with expert Medicare help and proactive planning by creating the Medicare SmartStart Program™ as the first Medicare experience in WNY of its kind, where everything with Medicare is done-for-you...from signing up for Part A & B...to comparing coverage choices so you know where to get more and pay less - guaranteed!
In fact, I have now personally helped more than 1,110+ WNY'ers through my proven program to make signing up and starting with Medicare simpler, easier, seemingly stress-free and feel almost effortless!
And, you may be asking yourself, "How can you be qualified to help me with Medicare if you aren't the Federal Government and you don't work for a Medicare Insurance company?" (I get this question a lot).
Well, let me explain...
If I'm being honest, my fifth grade career worksheet definitely did not say "become a Medicare expert." I actually wanted to be a firefighter like my grandpa.
Along the way, I actually fell face first into the "wonderful world of Medicare" after a tragic circumstance with my own family occurred, which brought up an immediate concern about covering cancer costs, and the subsequent financial burden to bear brought me to work for, at the time, one of the largest Medicare Health Insurance Companies nationwide (on the Fortune 100 list and you would know if mentioned by name).
You see, for my family I HAD to become a Medicare expert out of circumstance...not by choice.
Now, there are a lot of background details I am going to skip over which are only significant to me and will be insignificant to you. I'll share more with you on how I became a local Medicare advocate, award-winning #1 best-selling author, and sought-after guest speaker on Medicare later on, but what's important for you to know right now is simply the sad fact that most people stress and struggle how to get started and sign up with Medicare because they are left to fend for themselves to figure out all the fine print...and IT'S NOT FAIR OR YOUR FAULT!
Just know that the problem isn't with you...it's with the limited information and the lack of reliable resources available because the Federal Government is failing to provide the public the knowledge and know-how.
But here's the thing about my story...
On a cool, fall day in September 1987, I make my way into the world.
Like most Buffalo-born babies, I am immediately bundled in Buffalo Bills fashion.
Let's Go Buffalo!
I grew up in Amherst my entire life...right behind Brunner's Tavern (which most people seem to know quite well). I was heavily involved in Boy Scout Troop 261 and faithfully attended religious education, right across the street at St. Benedict's Roman Catholic Parish.
In 2005 I graduated from Amherst High School and had intentions to become a Buffalo City Firefighter, like my grandpa, and most men on my mom's side of the family. Due to residency requirements, I was ineligible, so instead, I joined as a volunteer firefighter with Eggertsville Hose Company and went to Canisius College.
After Canisius College, I accepted a job with Disney Cruise Line and open their "Youth Activities" Department onboard the Disney Dream --- which is where I met my now wife, Lyndsey, (who was recruited as a featured Theatre Singer/Dancer in the onboard Broadway shows) and go figure, she also happened to be from Buffalo (Lancaster, actually).
What’s really interesting is how she attempted to ignore my courtship, but I had an unfair advantage --- there’s really nowhere to avoid someone when you live on a ship in the middle of the ocean. I guess it must have been fate, right?
I ended up working for "The Mouse" for 2 years. I like being able to push toward the pursuit of something bigger than myself (must be the Boy Scout in me), and there was significant limitations on career advancement while living life on a ship. Hard to have a family, too!
So, I was at a cross-roads in life, now engaged to Lyndsey, and looking to pursue a path to provide for her and feel I was helping and having a meaningful impact, so I enlisted in the United States Air Force Fire Department.
I worked hard at Basic Training and graduated with the distinct privilege of "Honor Graduate," and earned the academic achievement award of the "Top Graduate" of my Department of Defense Fire Academy class.
On a hot, July day at Becker Farms Lyndsey and I seal the deal and make things official.
And for easy remembering, our wedding date was 7/11, which is FREE SLURPIE DAY, so we can't ever forget forever into the future!
An unfortunate surprise with multiple cancer diagnosis running rampant from family member to family member, and the curiosity sets in among the elders on why their Medicare Advantage plans don't seem to cover their cancer costs?
It turns out all Medicare Advantage plans don't cover the high costs of cancer (It's in the fine print). So, those in the family with 401(k)s, and socked away savings, start withdrawing funds, paying penalties for taking money early, all in a concerted effort to get the high treatment costs taken care of.
I think to myself there has to be a better way.
So, I go part-time with Air Force, and begin working for one of the largest Medicare Health Insurance Companies nationwide (on the Fortune 100 list and you would know if mentioned by name) to try and learn the inside information to solve this persistent and pervasive problem plaguing my family.
My intention is to wage a war against all the mass-Medicare marketing that mis-leads, mis-guides and mis-informs the mass majority and disrupt the traditional means the big, dumb Insurance Companies sell there stuff only in their best interest, not what's best for who are being insured --- without compromise.
I had learned a lot and spent most of my time on what I've come to call: "reactive" Medicare planning --- fixing problems and finding solutions after it's sometimes too late.
With 10,000 Baby Boomers turning 65 every day through 2030, the biggest meaningful impact I could have was in: "proactive" Medicare planning to educate and empower people pre-65 to help them sign up and get started with Medicare there right way so they are better financially protected in the future against unplanned and unexpected major medical events.
But, as an Insurance Company employee I can't actually pursue this effort because of their rules, regulations and restrictions...
So, Lyndsey encourages me to quit my job and focus on serving my community in the most meaningful way. I open Medicare Management of WNY and become a small-business owner overnight. NOW WHAT?
I finally get frustrated and fed up enough with the real lack of reliable Medicare resources available around town and decide to create a private solution to the public problem the Federal Government won't solve and the Insurance Companies can't due to conflict of interest.
Lyndsey and I design and develop the Medicare SmartStart Program™ through an organized and orchestrated effort with a handful of HR reps from Buffalo-based businesses, like MOOG, Rich Foods, Wegmans, and almost every school district in Erie County.
It becomes the first Medicare experience of it's kind in WNY where residents can enjoy everything with Medicare is done for them...from signing up for Part A & B...where everything with Medicare is done-for-you...from signing up for Part A & B...to comparing coverage choices so you know where to get more and pay less - guaranteed! And all without costing a dime!
Before the end of the year 50 WNY'ers have participated in the program.
We name her Charlie, after a nickname my grandma had for me growing up.
We move into our first office location on Main St in Clarence, NY.
The success of my Medicare SmartStart Program™ is spreading and more than 250 WNY'ers have participated throughout the year.
I begin writing articles in Forever Young magazine as a featured contributor, and WECK Radio finds and follows the re-occurring column and invites me on their Senior Matters show, officially dubbing me WNY's Very Own "Mr. Medicare."
After the 2-hour segment gets played on the radio, I quickly become sought-after to present privately at Employer events for soon-to-be 65 employees and community education seminars wishing me to speak.
The reputation of my Medicare SmartStart Program™ gets national recognition and I get approached by a book publisher to write a short, helpful book for baby Boomers on everything needed to know about Medicare pre-65.
We title it, "Starting Medicare Smartly," and offer it 100% free to all who want it.
I am now a professionally published author!
My Medicare SmartStart Program™ successfully serves more than 400 participants!
We name her Chloe. My family has a traditional where all kids in the same sub-family-unit have first names that start with the same first letter. So now we have Charlie and Chloe.
I officially help the 500th WNY'er through my Medicare SmartStart Program™, and keep growing to 600 participants before year end.
My book, Starting Medicare Smartly, becomes an award-winning, #1 best-seller in three (3) categories!
Lyndsey and I feel blessed with our success and create our "Charitable Giving Commitment" to personally make a financial pledge in support of Veteran's and their families in WNY partnering with WNY Heroes, Inc.
With giving away my book for free, and an expanded office, we help our 750th Medicare SmartStart Program™ participant in August.
We name him Chase, keeping with all our kids names starting with 'Ch.' We are excited to bring home our first boy and introduce him to his two sisters.
As my Medicare SmartStart Program now becomes the most popular and preferred way of starting and signing up for Medicare in WNY, I am nominated for an award from Buffalo Business First 40 Under 40.
I officially help the 1,000th WNY'er through my Medicare SmartStart Program™ just before year end.
To share our success, and serve more Baby Boomers on the biggest scale, we allow other independent agents across the country to bring our Medicare SmartStart Program™ and put it in place in their communities.
I am honored by the national press in Marque's "Who's Who In America" publication and "The Main Street Author" magazine.
We are astounded with the positive results of 1,500 WNY'ers relying on my proven Medicare SmartStart Program™ and we set our sights on serving more...
We are excited to grow the impact of the Medicare SmartStart Program™ across the WNY area through a new comprehensive "Educate & Empower" community outreach effort.
We set a strategic goal to help 3,000 Baby Boomers in WNY by the end of 2030!
Since 2015, Andrew has helped over 1,150+ WNY'ers through the free, 5-star rated and nationally recognized Medicare SmartStart Program™, taking away all the stress from folks trying to tackle Medicare on their own. His impressive record of success has Andrew featured in Forever Young Magazine and the BEE Group Newspapers, exclusive interviews on WECK Radio's Senior Matter's Program, nominated to Buffalo Business First 40 Under 40 (2023), and listed in Marque's Who's Who In America (2024). He is the author of the award-winning #1 best-selling book, "Starting Medicare Smartly," which reveals how new rules changed the sign up process and procedures for Boomers born after 1956 and how to avoid common mistakes, messing anything up, and prevent paying a late penalty at 65 or anytime after